Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Odd's Bobs!

In the last week and a half I have read 52. PAGES.

..I don't know whether to be embarassed of this or not.

But for what it's worth, during some research on a website I belong to:, I discovered some hilarious-and horrific things- about The Mortal Instruments Series by Cassandra Claire(You know the one-kiss me, brother! BUT WE CANNOT. OH BUT WE MUST. OH THE PAIN OF LOVING YOUR SISTER TOO MUCH.)

Though these were her first novels, she was actually a well known writer long before them. You know. In Fan Fiction. Harry Potter Fan Fiction. INCESTUAL HARRY POTTER FAN FICTION.

And-AND-as if this isn't (hilarious? horrifying?) enough, she was involved in a huge plagiarism scandal. FAN FICTION PLAGIARISM SCANDAL. I just-what! I didn't-like, okay you guys get why that's a little funny, a little weird, a little shitty, and A LOT mind boggling?

I cannot believe I bought this book. I cannot believe I read these books. I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING TO ME. I am slightly delighted.